Wider Community

We have very good links with the community and our school has been chosen by Manchester City Council to take part in a project to be a feeder school for International Baccalaureate being run by Loreto College.
Pupils also take part in the independent advisory Group for South Manchester Police. They meet on a monthly basis with pupils from other schools and officers from around South Manchester Police, advising on various issues from youth crime to hate crime.
The school has visited Blackburn Cathedral being the first ever Muslim Girls School to participate in Off Screen Educations tour around England. The school and our pupils were featured in their website on a 9 day tour.
We were also chosen by University of Derby to take part in the first ever research into ways Muslim and Jewish school communities engage with the wider community. Their report featured investigations also into cultural sustainability.
We are also very proud of our pupils achievements within the community. They took part and won in the Salters Festival of Chemistry quiz at Manchester Metropolitan University. A group of year 9 pupils took part in a challenge set by the Royal Astronomical Society and produced a newspaper on the dark side of the sun.
An Annual Community Dinner is held to invite local residents, businesses and friends into the school to enhance our working partnership with the wider community. The Dinner is open to anyone who wishes to explore what the school has to offer and dispel any misconceptions.
Our family of schools in the Manchester Islamic Educational Trust: