We have an extensive Careers programme which aims to provide Careers guidance and support to pupils from Y7 to Y11. This makes them aware of the wide variety of professions available at an early stage and enables them to make informed choices about further education and career paths.
Each year Challenging Stereotypes is organised by EBS for Year 7 pupils where they spend a morning with a team of over 20 professional women from different walks of life. The pupils gain an insight into a vast number of careers such as social work, electronic engineering, physiotherapy, computer graphics, architecture and many others.
Option choices are made easier in Year 9 by sessions run by individual subject teachers and there is also input by our Connexions advisor.
There are a wide range of careers based activities available for Year 10 pupils. The individual Practice Interviews aim to give pupils an idea of a real interview, develop their communication skills and also to prepare them for work experience which takes place annually in May for two weeks.
The Year 10 pupils also participated in the UK Enterprise Project this year. They worked in groups on their chosen projects and this enabled them to develop many skills further such as team working, making decisions, communication skills, achieving objectives, financial planning, budgeting and presentation skills to name a few.
The funds raised by The Tenner Project were used to purchase equipment for the Careers Department.
The Year 10 pupils also attended the NHS Open Day at the Manchester Hospitals and participated in a variety of workshops. This enabled them to realise the variety of career options available in the NHS.
A Careers Fair was organised for Year 11 pupils and was attended by 12 Colleges and Sixth Forms from surrounding areas. This enabled pupils to ask questions and make informed decisions about post-16 choices.
This is an annual event and very popular both with pupils and the visiting staff.
The Year 11 pupils also attended The Manchester Road show organised by The Muslim Women Advisory Group and Inspired Sisters. This was designed to inspire young Muslim women to achieve their career ambitions. The pupils interacted with 12 Muslim role models from different walks of life and were able to seek advice, listen to their success stories and learn from their experiences.
What should I do after my exams? Your options at 15/16 – click here
Careers A to Z: Find your perfect job – BBC Bitesize – click here

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