We have chosen to take the opportunity of using the latest published mathematics books written by a famous group of Mathematics specialists covering aspects of the National Numeracy Strategy.
Throughout Key Stages 3 and 4 teachers vary their lessons with practical activities as well as topic theory in order to maintain a high level of pupil motivation and increase understanding.
The department has developed a new strategy for the well able pupils of completing Key Stage 4 (GCSE) early in year 10 and start studying As-Level in Mathematics during year 11.
At Key Stage 3 (year 7,8 and 9) and Key Stage 4 (year 10 and 11) three lessons are provided for every pupil each week. As noted in the last section, the department ensures that they do not just cover the syllabus, but extend the teaching into some practical activities for example in areas such as Shapes and Geometry.
The department sets the pupils in each year according to their abilities. This allows all teaching to be done in small groups with a maximum number of 20 pupils in each class. At the end of year 7, the Mathematics department will have a very good idea about the well able pupils who show a high performance and excellent results during year 7. Those pupils will start the study course aiming to complete GCSE early at the end of year 10.
In year 10, year 11 and early GCSE year 9, we prepare our pupils for the GCSE exam by following the Edexcel Syllabus. The pupils take two exam papers (Calculator and Non-Calculator) worth 50% each at the end of year 11 or year 10 for the early GCSE.
The department has run the following activities:
- Maths clubs during break and after school
- Booster revision lessons at Easter for year 9 and 11.
- Opportunities arise yearly for high achieving pupils to enter nation-wide competitions e.g. “World class tests”.
We have introduced two clubs:
- The relationship between the Mathematics and Art club.
- Design and display Mathematics work club.
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